Tuesday, January 31, 2012


 January 31, 2012

I don't have to look far to find happiness. My hubby is amazing in every way and I look forward to coming home to him each evening. Even when I'm in a good mood, he can make it great. I am so grateful for his friendship, support and love.

It's been a long day. You can probably tell from the photo that I am tired. My job wears me out daily. I am so grateful for a job though! I've been at this project for a month now and I am quite proud of myself for keeping up. Many days to go.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Bustin' Rhymes

January 30, 2012

You are looking at my brand new stereo machine! I got my latest audio addition this evening and I have to say - I AM STOKED!!! The sound quality is already so much better! I can listen to my iPhone and Pandora and this is seriously going to make my DAYS! Music makes everything better!

In Loving Memory

January 29, 2012

Being that we were in Columbia to celebrate my dad's 59th birthday, we had to stop by and remember my momma. I like to decorate for the holidays, just like she used to do at home when I was growing up. One of the funnest things for me as a child was coming home to the house re-decorated for the upcoming holiday. Valentines was a fun time at our house. Mom always went all out and made us feel loved. I know she would like this little decoration. These are small things I can do to help her memory live on.

Christmas in January

January 28, 2012

You may be asking yourself: "Is that a bear on that man's head?" The answer to that question is yes... yes there is! This is my silly father in-law at our finally Christmas celebration. Today we are thankful that Grandma Charmayne is out of the hospital and we can come together as a family and celebrate. 

Friday, January 27, 2012

Hour of Happiness

January 27, 2012

I had a wonderful happy hour this evening with a bff... and realized that Chili's is really in the cutting edge of things. Look at this nifty table thingy. Good drinks, good fun. Here's to a wonderful start to the weekend!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Impromptu Pasta

January 26, 2012

I whipped up a yummy pasta dish this evening. Bowtie pasta, bacon, grilled chicken and romano cheese. Paired with garlic bread it was pretty delicious. I threw some peas on mine. Gotta love carbs.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Cats Cradle

 January 25, 2012

It was a long day. After school meeting made for me getting home just minutes before Idol. Before it started I finished putting away laundry - and Huxley helped. Sort of. Well, he decided he likes my new hanger hamper. Cats...gotta love them and their silly ways!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

100 Days Smarter

January 24, 2012

Today was a big day in 1st grade. The 100th day of school. Pictured is the breakfast we served the kids on their desks. Yes, starting the day with sugary doughnuts. That proved to be a good decision! Us teachers had fun dressing up as 100 year olds and the kids enjoyed many activities dealing with the magic number 100. Fun was had by all. 78 days to go. Amazing how time truly flies when you're having fun.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fresh Air

January 23, 2012

Finally got a filter for old faithful, our humidifier. I can't tell you how much of a difference this little machine can make for me during the winter months. I'm already enjoying the air in our bedroom more. Good stuff.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


January 22, 2012

Saturday or Sunday usually end up being grocery day for me. I am LOVING Aldi these days. It is AMAZING what I can get there for the price I pay! I enjoy their wine selections as low as $2.69/bottle, center-cut bacon for $3.50, wonderful snack items and MORE. I am addicted to saving money these days and I couldn't do it without my this spot. No, they did not pay me to write this blog :) 

Hand and Foot

January 21, 2012
This evening we went over to my husband's folks'. They had our six nephews and nieces over for a sleepover, so we decided to go say hello to everyone. When the kiddos went to bed we did something we very rarely do - played CARDS! It was actually quite fun, a game I've not played before. Thankful for time with family.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Marshmallow feet

January 20, 2012

I love these fuzzy slippers. They are so very warm and squishy. Enough said.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


January 19, 2012

Tonight we had guests over to watch our (my) favoritist show - American Idol! Angela and Elkins, my in-laws came as well as my mother and father in-law. A good time was had by all.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Down the rabbit hole

January 18, 2012

Oh no! Huxley took a leap into the hole behind our corner desk... I hate when that happens. He really struggles to get out. Oh, kittens! Don't worry - Brian got him out. This is me scolding him for his bad choice. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Couch Surfing

January 17, 2012

Last night was a long, restless night... So, this evening I plan on doing 3 things: 1. dinner (made and eaten) 2. dishes 3. lounging on the couch with my faithful laptop! I love this darn thing and the interwebs to which it connects me. What's on the agenda? Pinterest definitly, searching for stuff to do in St. Louis, and planning for our upcoming Vegas trip (which is 60 days away!). Most evenings I work at least an hour on school stuff, so it will feel good to NOT do that tonight.

Monday, January 16, 2012

65 Degrees

January 16, 2012

The weather today was gorgeous for January! We've had an unseasonably warm winter so far. I wonder if things will get worse? We spent a good portion of the day down in our storage unit, reorganizing and purging. It feels amazing to have it DONE and to have gotten rid of more stuff! I find completly overhauling spaces every 6 months is a great way to keep life clutter-free. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Wild Cats

 January 15, 2012

Our apartment complex is crawling with the cutest cats. This picture is not so great, but they are elusive little guys and I had to take the oppurtunity when it was there. Lately I've taken to feeding these furry friends. 

Electric is the Love

January 14, 2012

This afternoon we headed to the Laumeier Sculpture Park. This is one of my favorite St. Louis spots, second only to Forest Park probably. There was a special exhibit there called Electric is the Love. It was an exhibition on technology, media and our ever-changing culture. It was quite interesting. 

With Hubs

January 13, 2012

We survived Friday the 13 without any troubles. Tonight was laundry night. We followed that with some drinks and Desperate Housewives. I love nights like these - quality time with my hubby.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blustery Day

January 12, 2012

This is what my commute looked like this morning. Not too safe, but pretty. I was disappointed school didn't get called, as there were many accidents. The city buses arrived at 11:30! I felt so bad for the kiddos on them. Temperatures are low and wind chills are lower. Wouldn't it be nice if school got called tomorrow for black ice or dangerous temperatures? Pretty please?? First snow of 2012. I wonder how much more will come... I'm all cuddled up on the couch now in sweats with hot chocolate in hand!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


January 11, 2012

Here is my faithful assistant! Trying to sort papers this evening and Huxley wanted to help... he's so dang cute though, so you can't be mad at him! Got a lot of paperwork filed in my Reading notebook and that felt good! Off to bed now.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Pioneer Cooking

January 10, 2012

Our power surprisingly went off about an hour ago. The timing couldn't have been better though. Chicken on the stove had just finished, as well as the pasta and mozzerella sticks. All I had to do was go next door to heat some marinara sauce. It was a mysterious occurance. Power company said everything was fine on their end, so thankfully maitinence came right out. No internet would have surely put Brian in a bad position, seeing as he's working away and with the primary tonight he'll be glued to his computer. Today I am thankful for light.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Animal Plastic Surgery

   January 9, 2012

This here's a shot of my beloved brother in law. He is searching pricing for animal plastic surgery. One of those things you might tag as, "only in America." Unbelievable. Animal abuse, if you ask me. Great evening over at the Lovett's with Angela, Elkins, Jess and Drew. Love sharing food and wine with good friends.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


January 8, 2012

I love these floating shelves we found at Barnes and Noble. My goal is to utilize these in a creative way in a future office space. Right now they live in our bedroom and serve as our que for reading. Mine is on the left. I've not made much progress AT ALL with this pile. I only read 14 books in 2011. I truly hope I can find time to read more recreationally this year. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Gaming sans cat

January 7, 2012

What is it with cats and bags, boxes, containers of any sort?? Haha.. We are preparing to go to a friend's for game night and it appears Huxley wants to go as well.

New Appliance

January 6, 2012
When you are doing the newly-wed/apartment thing, a new appliance like this George Foreman is a big deal. Something new to cook with! New appliance to us means something small like this, not some sort of refrigerator or oven. The perk of apartment living is that if one of those appliances breaks, we just make a phone call. We used the new GF for the first time this evening. Very nice job, George!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Changing it up

January 5, 2012

The Christmas trees came down today. The one in the living room left a bare spot. I chose to change up the dresser scenery a bit where the other small tree stood. The candle deal came from the dining table, but I think it looks quite nice in here. I am one who always needs change, even if it's small things like this! It feels good to have trees down and moving toward Spring - however far away. 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


January 4, 2012

I have this awful headcold right now. Nothing really is helping. But I can say I am thankful for Trader Joe's OJ and Robatussin today. First sickness of 2012 - yay! Kids come tomorrow, so I need to be well, or at least able to fake it. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Laundry Day

January 3, 2012

I've finally come to terms with our laundry situation. When we first moved into this third floor apartment the laundry situation at our complex literally brought me to tears. I have discovered a whole new world in laundering clothing - the laundry mat! I found a relativly clean mat nearby that I frequent weekly or bi-weekly. The amazing thing about this place is that one can get ALL their laundry done in such a SHORT amount of time! It's true. 20 minutes to wash 20 minutes to dry and 20 minutes to fold. Loads of laundry finished in an hour! The only thing that would be more ideal would be having this sort of set up in your home, talk about efficient! Anyway, I've come to accept that this is part of our life right now and therefore, I will enjoy it...and the crab rangoon from the restaurant next door!

Monday, January 2, 2012


January 2, 2012

This is a shot of a birthday lunch from California Pizza Kitchen. We've got a pizza which is half wild mushroom and half BBQ chicken and a quesadilla there. Jen Cooper went out to celebrate her birthday and exchange Christmas gifts. One of my gifts from Jen was a cookbook with recipes from restaurants. There happens to be a recipe for CPK pizza and I intend to check it out! We had a nice visit and enjoyed our yummy food. So far, both of my pictures this year have been on the subject of food.. hmmm...

Table Manners

January 1, 2012

For New Year's Brian and I were excited to spend time with Joan and Cynthia Planet. The Planets currently live in Spain and while our friendship is long-distance capable, seeing each other in person is an extra special treat. We had a wonderful evening of drinks, laughter and discussion. What's better than following up a night like that in America with a trip to Denny's? The picture says it all really - too much fun! I can't think of a much better way to ring in the new year than with some splendid foreign friends. Happy New Year! Perhaps next year we will try the 12 grape thing?

What it's all about...

Mark Twain, famous Missourian, said, "Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first." I love this. While the world owes us nothing, those who seek beauty will find it. Those who nourish friendships will find fulfillment. Those who seek adventure will experience it. Life is not about sitting and waiting for the 'good things' to find us. It is about making GOODNESS and HAPPINESS where you are, with who you are with. That concept is my drive as I participate in Project 365 in 2012.

I will post 1 photo a day. I'm sure many of these photos will seem mundane to the casual on-looker. Maybe this project is more for myself than anyone? I hope it will help give me an idea of the things I value in life and help me examine where my heart is at 25. Whether simple, complex, artful, candid - I think it will be a photo adventure.